The Rotary Club of Merritt stepped up to help those affected by the flood in November 2021.

Matching donors made a real difference in our ability to help those affected by the floods.

Our initial matching donor was Pharmasave owner Lap Wu.  We thank them for starting our matching program during this fundraiser. We never imagined that it would be so successful and we owe them so much for starting this matching campaign.  Thank you.

Frank Rizzardo matched our second $25,000 and challenged any other individual or business able to do so to reach out to our Rotary Club at 

Disaster Aid Canada is a registered Canadian charity.  They are a Rotary Club program of the Rotary Club of Ladysmith.  They work both internationally and locally through programs and we are happy to have their support to help re-establish homeowners and tenants safely back into their homes following the flooding in Merritt.   During this fundraiser Disaster Aid Canada was able to step up twice to be a matching donor.  We appreciate their support so much and thank all our donors for their support.  Find out more about this donor at

Thank you to our 4th matching donor who matched donations up to $50,000.  We couldn't be happier to have this level of local support for our fundraiser and our citizens who need the help to get safely back into their homes.    Thank you to the team at Rockin' River and let's all keep an eye on their line up announcement coming in 2022.  Welcome back!!

Our fifth matching donor was Andrew Sheret Limited.  This generous donor matched donations up to the next $100,000.00 and we couldn't be happier.  We thank you on behalf of all those who will benefit by getting financial assistance to safely return to their homes.  Visit their website at to learn more about their company.

We are happy to have also received a grant for $20,000 from the United Way of BC to help our community.  Thank you to everyone who made this possible.

Please check out our social media page to see some of our other generous donors.